Friday, January 23, 2009

There's Hope

So much has happened since my last post!

We have a new president.......whoo hoo! Watching his inaugeration brought tears to my eyes. He seems like such a good man. He's so smart, so conscious, and have you seen the way he looks at his wife? Ahh, America the Beautiful. I am so hopeful.

I last reported that I dumped both Corey and Sean. Well, that isn't exactly true. I have been spending time with Corey, here and there. What can I say, I like him. I've decided not to worry about where it's heading and just enjoy the ride. Besides, I have nothing else going on. Might as well spend time with someone I like, rather than spend it alone. I'm sure that is not all that I'm going to say on the subject. But it is all I can say right now.

I am still going strong with the diet (such a dirty word). Am I perfect,....absolutely not. But I am eating so much healthier. I have an ocassional splurge. Such as pizza and a milkshake with good friends...but I'm also not beating myself up over it. I don't do it every day... and I enjoy the hell out of it when I do indulge. I have lost 5 pounds since Christmas. Slowly, but surely. Excercise is still in the picture. I've been bustin a move about four times a week. I feel pretty good.

I started back with my Masters program. It's cake, just time consuming. But it's funded and it will give me a pay increase. Some day I'm going to go school for the things I'm really interested in, like writing and literature :) But right now I'll sell out for a virtually free degree.

Finances are still a hot mess. I don't want to and can't talk about it.

I'm about ready to move. I actually can't wait! Now I just need some money to make my new place feel like home. I'm so ready to nest. I'm tired of living like a college kid :)

So, here I am finally blogging. I'm going to really try hard to keep up with writing. I always feel better and have more perspective when I do. This is all for now. Until next easy.

Lynn's law: Nothing like change to give you a little hope.

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