Sunday, January 10, 2010

Getting My Shit Together!

1. I must move on from Sean. This relationship is one-sided and makes me feel used and fake.

2. I must make a sound decision on where to live. I am struggling to pay rent where I am because my finances aren't in order and feel like I'm taking advantage of good friends. But what will happen when my work stops and I get locked into a mortgage? All too overwhelming.

3. I must excercise and make better food choices. There is not true happiness found in a cheeseburger. (not sure I believe that, but we'll go with that for now.)

4. I must work on paying off some debt. I have horrible credit. I'm not even sure how to improve it or if I should just try a bankruptcy option.

5. I must work on spending more time with the people I care about. I still spend most weekends pent up in my room watching t.v. or on the computer.

6. I must wake up earlier and put myself together a lil better I am single now, afterall.

7. I must walk ethan on a more regular basis

8. I must make a doctor's appointment to check my vitals.

9. I must be honest, forthcoming, and speak well of people that I love.

10. I must forgive myself, love myself, and FIND LOVE.

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