Saturday, January 5, 2008

Lynn is back!

Okay, I will openly admit that I have spent most of the week sitting around and feeling sorry for myself. Aside from exercising and doing a little writing, I have mostly watched movies and wished I was in another life.

So it's not surprise that when Friday rolled around, I was ready to interact with another human being. I wasn't feeling too particular...I just wanted to hear another voice other than mine that was running through my head. So given the fact that that I have no single friends, I ventured out BY MYSELF, yes by myself. Not something I am accustomed to doing, to say the least.

So I got dressed and headed to Wally's! I have to be honest, I was feeling a little apprehensive going by myself. But I walked in bellied-up to the bar and ordered a beer! Luckily a couple of the regulars were there and I sat down and had someone to talk to.

As I was sitting at the bar, a really cute guy bought me a beer! He was shy about it, as my friend Amy can attest to, just the right quality to catch my attention! Eventually, he came over introduced himself and we drank beer, argued about music and closed the bar!

When the night was over, he walked me to the car (Well, I stumbled!) and we had a serious drunkem make-out session! I should be ashamed, but I'm not......I'm so proud of myself! I kissed a a cute man that I barely knew and I don't feel an ounce of guilt. Can you say L-I-B-E-R-A-T-I-N-G!

We exchanged phone numbers and off we went (separately, I might add). Will he call? WHO CARES! It was fun, boosted my confidence, and I saw a glimpse of someone I haven't seen in a long while......FUN, CAREFREE, LYNN! It's good to be back :)

Lynn's Law:
Embrace your inner-whore :) HA!